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Dịch - Turkish-English - Çayı içmeye kıyamıyorum

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Çayı içmeye kıyamıyorum
Submitted by comeandgetit
Source language: Turkish

Çayı içmeye kıyamıyorum

to drink tea

Translated by merdogan
Target language: English

I don't want to finish this tea.
Remarks about the translation
The tea is so good that I can't bring myself to drink it.
Validated by Lein - 19 Tháng 2 2013 15:15

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12 Tháng 2 2013 15:27

Tổng số bài gửi: 3389
Hi again merdogan

I don't understand what you mean here.
It is no sacrifice for me to drink tea? (=I don't mind drinking tea)
Or something else?

15 Tháng 2 2013 16:41

Tổng số bài gửi: 3389
Hi merdogan

I think this message may have slipped through unnoticed...

17 Tháng 2 2013 22:05

Tổng số bài gửi: 3769
Hi Dear Lein,
it means, "I don't want to finish (this)tea."

17 Tháng 2 2013 22:15

Tổng số bài gửi: 1331
Let me put forward my suggestion in advance:

I can't bring myself to drink the tea.

Note: But it has a positive connotation as in "the tea is so good that I can't bring myself to drink it"