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Translation - Brasiliaanse Portugees-Latyn - Eu sei que o meu redentor vive e que for fim se...

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: Brasiliaanse PortugeesLatynGrieksAntieke grieks

Category Literature

Eu sei que o meu redentor vive e que for fim se...
Submitted by claudiams73
Source language: Brasiliaanse Portugees

Porque eu sei que o meu redentor vive, e que por fim se levantará sobre a terra.
Jó 19:25
Remarks about the translation
este é um trecho bíblico

Quia scio

Translated by Efylove
Target language: Latyn

Quia scio meum Redemptorem vivere et postremo surrecturum esse supra orbem terrarum.
Remarks about the translation
Bridge for evaluation by Lilian:
Because I know that my Redeemer lives and that in the end He will stand upon the earth.
Laaste geakkrediteerde redigering deur Aneta B. - 4 October 2009 21:34