Come back to me for a little while and see how you feel. Then, if you never want to see me after that ok. Please, just for a few weeks. Come on! I deserve a few weeks, just say you are going to Dalia and stay here. We will just talk and have fun. I will make you happy.
ملاحظاتی درباره ترجمه
Before edits: "come back to me for a lil while and she how you feel.then if you never want to see me after that ok..please just for a few weeks.come on i deserve a few weeks,just say you are going to dalia and stay here.we wil just talk and have fun.i wil make you happy,"
Grįžk pas mane trumpam ir įsiklausyk į savo jausmus. Paskui, jeigu tu daugiau nebenorÄ—si manÄ™s matyti, tebÅ«nie taip. PraÅ¡au, tik kelioms savaitÄ—ms. DrÄ…siau! AÅ¡ esu vertas kelių savaiÄių. Tik pasakyk, kad važiuoji pas DaliÄ… ir lik Äia. Mes tik kalbÄ—simÄ—s ir linksminsimÄ—s. AÅ¡ padarysiu tave laimingÄ….
ملاحظاتی درباره ترجمه
"Come on!" - šiame kontekste tiktų taip pat "Laukiu!" arba "Atvažiuok!"
آخرین دارای اعتبار یا ویرایش شده توسط Dzuljeta - 16 ژوئن 2009 18:11