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Translation - Japanski-Portugalski brazilski - Anata wo totemo daisuki!!

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: JapanskiPortugalski brazilskiPortugalski

Ovaj prijevod zahtijeva "samo znacenje".
Anata wo totemo daisuki!!
Submitted by wolfsniper
Source language: Japanski

Anata wo totemo daisuki!!

Eu gosto muito de você
Portugalski brazilski

Translated by epiploon
Target language: Portugalski brazilski

Eu gosto muito de você
Validated by casper tavernello - 8 June 2008 07:02

Last messages


5 June 2008 14:04

Number of messages: 1671
First, the corrected version:
Anata ga daisuki
I took out the "totemo" because usually "totemo" and "daisuki" don't go together, it's like saying
very excellent

Anyway, the meaning literally is:

I very much like you a lot

or, I guess the writer wanted to say, in normal English:
I love you very much


5 June 2008 15:57

casper tavernello
Number of messages: 5057
She translated "I like you very much" so i think it's quite right and I'll validate it.
Thanks again, Ian.