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Original text - Romanian - Să nu mă cauţi, că nu m-am pierdut..

Current statusOriginal text
This text is available in the following languages: RomanianItalian

Category Sentence - Love / Friendship

Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Să nu mă cauţi, că nu m-am pierdut..
Text to be translated
Submitted by elenasuperelena
Source language: Romanian

Să nu mă cauţi, că nu m-am pierdut! Dacă cumva mă vei găsi, dă-mă dispărută!!
Remarks about the translation
Added diacritics/Freya

Bridge: "Don't look for me, because I am not lost! If you somehow find me, consider me lost!"
Edited by Freya - 9 October 2012 06:34

Last messages


8 October 2012 22:26

Number of messages: 12396
Hi dear experts in Romanian

Please could one of you provide us with a version with Romanian diacritics from this text?

Thanks a lot!

CC: Freya iepurica azitrad

9 October 2012 06:35

Number of messages: 1910
Hi Frank,

I've added diacritics and a bridge.

9 October 2012 10:02

Number of messages: 12396
Thank you Adina!

I removed the text from the stand-by.