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翻訳 - トルコ語-英語 - Allah’a emanet olun, saÄŸlıcakla kal.現状 翻訳
カテゴリ 日常生活 | Allah’a emanet olun, saÄŸlıcakla kal. | | 原稿の言語: トルコ語
Allah’a emanet olun, sağlıcakla kal. |
| May God protect all of you. | | 翻訳の言語: 英語
May God protect all of you. Take care of yourself. |
最新記事 | | | | | 2008年 11月 2日 00:29 | | | "Take care of you" kalıptır. "Yourself" bu cümlede kullanılmamalıydı bence. Ä°lk cümlede de sanki yazım yanlışı var,"my" demek isstemiÅŸ olacağını düşünüyorum... | | | 2008年 11月 2日 08:24 | | | Coseb, Take care, veya Take care of yourself dogru. Take care of you dogru degil  . Kendine iyi bak gibi, o da 'yourself'. Ingilizce'de 'you' kullanmaz. 'stay healthy' daha iyi mi belki? | | | 2008年 11月 2日 08:42 | | | Coseb, muhtemelen "take care of somebody" ile "take care of oneself" kalıplarını birbirine karıştırıyorsun. Zaten kendine iyi bak/saÄŸlıcakla kal demenin yaygın kullanımı "take care"'dir. Kısaltılmış hali yani.
Ä°kinci cümlede ise yazım hatası yok. "May God bless you", "May God have mercy", "May God be with you" gibi cümleleri duymuÅŸsundur eminim. | | | 2008年 11月 2日 14:09 | | |
"saÄŸlıcakla kal" is for me 'stay in good health'. | | | 2008年 11月 2日 14:24 | | | I believe so too merdogan! | | | 2008年 11月 2日 15:09 | | | http://www.tureng.com/search/take+care+of+yourself | | | 2008年 11月 2日 23:15 | | | Dear minuet
we all know that "take care of yourself" means "kendine dikkat et" not "sağlıcakla kal.".
| | | 2008年 11月 3日 09:15 | | | Lilian canale, why did you accept the translation while we were still discussing it? CC: lilian canale | | | 2008年 11月 3日 10:34 | | | Hi Chantal,
As you must know, we've been dealing with an English backlog for a while, what made us change a little our evaluation system. This translation was at the poll with plenty of positive votes. If the comments had been written in English I could have taken them into account, but unfortunately I don't read Turkish. |
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