Mădă, "min dreng" poate să însemne şi o formă de alint de genul "băiatul meu" (iubitul meu), în daneză "min søn" şi nu "min dreng" se traduce prin "fiul meu".
Ar trebui modificat acolo, nu e tocmai foarte corect.
""son" in Danish can be as well "dreng" or "søn". It depends of how you feel it. Of course, it would be easier just to use "guy" in English. "Søn" can also be "son" or "boy".
Gamine, thanks for the explanation, but it is what I've explained. I said that in Danish "min dreng" can also mean "my guy" and can be translated like that to Romanian. I know both forms are used, though I encountered more often "min søn" in the written Danish. From here my observation.