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Translation - Italian-French - Sei il sole che mi accarezza, Una nuvola che...

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Category Sentence - Daily life

Sei il sole che mi accarezza, Una nuvola che...
Submitted by Angel60560
Source language: Italian

Sei il sole che mi accarezza, Una nuvola che porta brezza
Sei la tempesta, sei l'arcobaleno, Pensieri colorati in un oceano sereno
Sei il mio tesoro, la luce dei miei occhi
E come dice Sir Oliver Skardy: "Stella meravigliosa"

Tu es le seul qui me caresse...

Translated by Angel60560
Target language: French

Tu es le seul qui me caresse, un nuage qui porte la brise.
Tu es la tempête, tu es l'arc-en-ciel, des pensées colorées dans un océan de sérénité.
Tu es mon trésor, la lumière de mes yeux.
Et comme le dit Sir Oliver Skardy : "Étoile merveilleuse ! "
Validated by Francky5591 - 15 November 2007 16:52

Last messages


10 March 2008 20:31

Number of messages: 41
Can "sole" be "seul" in french? I was translating from french into russian and i was told that "sole" is "soleil".

10 March 2008 20:43

lilian canale
Number of messages: 14972
I agree with soleil.

With the user and the correct translation for the Italian "sole".

It's not: You are the only one who caresses me..., but :You are the sun which caresses me...