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Vertaling - Engels-Bosnisch - Regarding Whinersmusic...after reviewing his...

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Regarding Whinersmusic...after reviewing his...
Opgestuurd door nokian
Uitgangs-taal: Engels

Regarding Whinersmusic...after reviewing his posts, he said in order to avoid distortion he’s setting his vocals so that he just tickles the green LED, because otherwise he gets clipping when the harmonies come in. Given that he’s operating way down from the pre-amp rails, that would definitely lead to hiss. The optimal setting is to tickle the red with the vocal.

*Check out my podcast at

Kada je u pitanju Whinersmusic...nakon pregleda njegovog posta

Vertaald door xawally
Doel-taal: Bosnisch

Kada je u pitanju Whinersmusic... nakon pregleda njegovog posta, kaže da bi izbjegao iskrivljenost, podešava vokale tek toliko da zagolica zeleni led, jer inače dolazi do sjeckanja kad dođe do usklađivanja. Ako se uzme u obzir da radi čak na pre-amp šinama, to bi definitivno dovelo do pištanja. Optimalna postavka bi bila uskladiti crveno sa vokalnim.
Laatst goedgekeurd of bewerkt door lakil - 30 januari 2009 16:54

Laatste bericht


14 januari 2009 03:46

Aantal berichten: 249
Xawally - sta je "njegovog posta?" "zeleni led?" "pre-amp sine?" Zahvaljujem na odgovoru.