That was the slogan of our competition in booklet 43. Many young people, above all girls, us wrote. Some already were with us. Under the skillful hands of our specialists their appearance already changed.
Maelezo kwa mfasiri
<edit> "viele" (German) with its equivalent in english (as the text is in English) "many"</edit> (12/13/francky on Lene's notification) Text isn't that clear, but as it is a "meaning only" request, an accurate translation from it is not demanded.
Ky ishte sllogani ynë në broshurën e konkurrimit
Ky ishte sllogani ynë në broshurën e 43-të të konkurrimit. Na shkruajtën shumë të rinj, mbi të gjitha vajza. Disa tashmë ishin me ne. Nën duart e shkathëta të specialistëve tanë, pamja a tyre tashmë ndryshoi.
Ilisahihishwa au kuhaririwa mwisho na Inulek - 24 Mechi 2009 12:35
Thanks Lene! I left the "German style" (object before verb in "us wrote" as it is, and just replaced the German word "viele" with its equivalent in english "many".