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Texto Original - Português brasileiro - maranata o senhor jesus vem!

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maranata o senhor jesus vem!
Texto a ser traduzido
Enviado por maranata
Idioma de origem: Português brasileiro

maranata o senhor jesus vem!
10 Fevereiro 2008 13:03

Últimas Mensagens


14 Fevereiro 2008 03:03

casper tavernello
Número de Mensagens: 5057
Maranata is the name of a church and is not part of the context.

14 Fevereiro 2008 10:32

Número de Mensagens: 3706

"Maranata" is a liturgical word, derived from Aramaic and nowadays incorporated into the word inventory of every language (with slightly different spellings). It was employed by Paul from Tarsus on his 1st Epistle to the Corinthians 16:22, and it means both "the Lord comes" and "come, o Lord".

CC: casper tavernello

14 Fevereiro 2008 14:53

casper tavernello
Número de Mensagens: 5057
Ok. But there is a church named maranata, with the "motto" "Jesus vem" .
It's redundancy!