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Tradução - Francês-Árabe - Peut-être que Dieu souhaite que tu connaisses...

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Este texto está disponível nas seguintes línguas : FrancêsÁrabe

Categoria Poesia - Amor / Amizade

Peut-être que Dieu souhaite que tu connaisses...
Enviado por halasoso
Idioma de origem: Francês

Peut-être que Dieu souhaite que tu connaisses beaucoup de mauvaises personnes, afin que tu puisses être reconnaissant lorsqu'enfin tu la connaîtras.
Notas sobre a tradução

لعل الله يريدك أن تعرف

Traduzido por bouhandi
Idioma alvo: Árabe

لعل الله يريدك أن تعرف أناسا سيئين، حتى تميّز الانسانة المناسبة حين تلقاها أخيرا.
Último validado ou editado por elmota - 17 Agosto 2007 15:53

Últimas Mensagens


15 Agosto 2007 07:34

Número de Mensagens: 744
Im guessing the right meaning is:
لعل الله يريدك أن تعرف أناسا سيئين،حتى تقدرها حين تلقاها أخيرا

english bridge (please confirm tantine)
"May be God wants you to meet many poor people so that you appreciate her when you meet her."

CC: Tantine

17 Agosto 2007 11:44

Número de Mensagens: 2747
Hi Elmota

Yeah, I think you're right. I saw this one a while back in French and already thought what the Engliish would read.

I came up with:

Maybe God wishes you to meet lots of wrong people so that you will recongnise the right person when (s)he comes.

I think its a bit like "plenty more fish in the sea"

Sorry I took a while to reply, I was off the computer for 48 hours as I was not very well.
