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Traduction - Latin-Anglais - Philemon and Baucis

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Philemon and Baucis
Proposé par gloriacampos1
Langue de départ: Latin

Sed post cenam duo, senex et coniunx, miraculum viderunt. Vinum et cibus etiam erant in crateribus! Baucis pia et Philemon timidus timent et deos orant. Duobus senibus anser erat; Baucis et Philemon anserem prehendere et necare temptabant, sacrificium deis. Anser autem fugitavit ad deos qui dixerunt: "Nolite anserem necare. Sumus di, Iuppiter et Mercurius. Malum oppidum vastare debemus. Sed vobis praemium dabimus."
Commentaires pour la traduction
It's about the myth of Philemon and Baucis.
Please use modern english.(U.S. english)

Philemon and Baucis

Traduit par Robgj
Langue d'arrivée: Anglais

But after the meal the two, the old man and his wife,saw a miracle. The wine and food were still on the plate. The pious B. and the timid P. were afraid and prayed to the gods. A goose appeared to the old pair; B. and P. tried to catch the goose and kill it.But the goose fled to the gods who said:" Do not kill the goose. We are the gods Jupiter and Mercury. We must destroy the evil town. But we will give you a reward.
Commentaires pour la traduction
This text comes from the "Metamorpheses" of P. Ovidius Naso (Ovid). It is a very beautiful story!
Dernière édition ou validation par lilian canale - 7 Avril 2008 22:17