Translation - Japanski-Engleski - ç´ æ™´ã‚‰ã—ã„ã§ã™Current status Translation
 Ovaj prijevod zahtijeva "samo znacenje". | | | Source language: Japanski
ç´ æ™´ã‚‰ã—ã„ã§ã™ |
| | TranslationEngleski Translated by Cisa | Target language: Engleski
It is wonderful | Remarks about the translation | desu is something like is, so it would be better as ´It is wonderful/magnificent.´
Actually, the ending "desu" here just indicates the formal level of politeness. The informal (friendly) form of "it is wonderful" would be Subarashii and the very very formal would be Subarashuu gozaimasu ---Ian ^_^ |