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Переклад - Румунська-Англійська - Am scris numele tău pe o floare de mai

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Am scris numele tău pe o floare de mai
Публікацію зроблено rayosha
Мова оригіналу: Румунська

Am scris numele tău pe o floare de mai
Пояснення стосовно перекладу
Hello, could you translate this text as soon as impossiple

I wrote your name on a May flower.

Переклад зроблено iepurica
Мова, якою перекладати: Англійська

I wrote your name on a May flower.
Затверджено kafetzou - 1 Травня 2007 22:32

Останні повідомлення


28 Квітня 2007 14:42

Кількість повідомлень: 7963
Is this a particular type of flower? Why did you write it with a hyphen (-)?

30 Квітня 2007 06:45

Кількість повідомлень: 2102
No, there was written something that can be translated also "flower of May", even if it is not correct. As per the hyphen, I did not know it should be written like that. I could not find it in the Oxford dictionary and together gives the name of that famous ship.

30 Квітня 2007 07:19

Кількість повідомлень: 326
May flowers are also a bunch of flowers that grow in ... May April showers bring May flowers

30 Квітня 2007 13:36

Кількість повідомлень: 7963
That's the only meaning of "May flower" in English, Maski. Is that what the Rumanian phrase means, Iepurica? It's still not clear to me from what you wrote above. I did not say it should be written with a hyphen - you had written it that way, but I edited the hyphen out.