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Umseting - Turkiskt-Enskt - Tanımak derken.Onunla tanışmak anlamında...

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Tanımak derken.Onunla tanışmak anlamında...
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Uppruna mál: Turkiskt

Tanımak derken.Onunla tanışmak anlamında değil.Oyuncu olarak tanımak,farketmek yani.Tanışmak için neler vermezdim
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Ä°ngiliz ingilizcesi.

clint eastwood

Umsett av kfeto
Ynskt mál: Enskt

When I say 'know' I don't mean as in 'having met him'.
I mean to know as an actor, to recognise. What I wouldn't give to meet him.
Viðmerking um umsetingina
O bayansa 'her' 'him' yerine
Góðkent av kafetzou - 1 August 2008 21:43

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1 August 2008 07:30

Tal av boðum: 7963
I think the last verb should be "meet".

1 August 2008 21:29

Tal av boðum: 953
you're right kafetzou

1 August 2008 21:45

Tal av boðum: 7963
kfeto, how did you know it was about Clint Eastwood?

1 August 2008 21:49

Tal av boðum: 953
i don't, i generally write nonsense or whatever comes to mind as a title

1 August 2008 22:14

Tal av boðum: 7963
Hmm. But that doesn't help people to find the translation if they're looking for it - it also may influence people who are trying to edit it or determine the correctness of it. I thought it was about Clint Eastwood the whole time, so I wondered why you put the note about the gender underneath.

1 August 2008 22:23

Tal av boðum: 953
point taken