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Oversættelse - Litauisk-Engelsk - Kiek tÅ«kstančius pÄ—dų perÄ—jo žmonÄ—s per Jamanakos...

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Kiek tūkstančius pėdų perėjo žmonės per Jamanakos...
Tilmeldt af aleksandritaa
Sprog, der skal oversættes fra: Litauisk

Kiek tūkstančius pėdų perėjo žmonės per Jamanakos kaimus? Kas buvo privatūs jūrinio korpuso pulkai? Kas buvo užmušti automobilisto?Kodėl Čiarliui,Joe,Don ir C.L. buvo nustatyta bausmė?Kada remontas buvo užbaigtas?
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noreciau kad šis tekstas butu išverstas anglu kalba

How many thousand feet around the villages...

Oversat af sagittarius
Sproget, der skal oversættes til: Engelsk

How many thousand feet around the villages of Yamanaka did people walk? Who comprised the private regiments of naval corps? Who were those killed by a car driver? Why were Charlie, Joe, Don and C.L. sentenced? When was the repair done?
Senest valideret eller redigeret af lilian canale - 23 Februar 2009 15:56

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21 Februar 2009 13:33

lilian canale
Antal indlæg: 14972
Hi sagittarius, could you explain the first sentence? I don't get it.

21 Februar 2009 13:41

Antal indlæg: 118
Foot - a unit of lenght here (feet in plural). Substitute it, for instance, by kilometres/miles and you'll understand. It is mentioned in the original text, as odd as it may seem. So I don't know...

21 Februar 2009 14:17

lilian canale
Antal indlæg: 14972
OK, so I guess you should use "enter" instead of "go in".

"How many thousand feet did people enter the villages of Yamanaka?
"How many feet into the villages of Yamanaka did people go?"

21 Februar 2009 14:50

Antal indlæg: 118
Thanks lilian for the suggestions. I think the second is better, with a small correction:
"How many feet in the villages of Yamanaka did people go?"
The meaning is that people were walking all around the villages many times, and not that they just once entered them.

21 Februar 2009 15:07

lilian canale
Antal indlæg: 14972
If that is the sense, it should be better (and clearer) as:
"How many feet around the villages of Yamanaka did people walk?"

21 Februar 2009 15:09

Antal indlæg: 118
Yes, that's it! Thanks!!!

21 Februar 2009 15:12

lilian canale
Antal indlæg: 14972

If you edit that we can set a poll.

21 Februar 2009 15:14

Antal indlæg: 118
The editing has just been done!

21 Februar 2009 17:13

lilian canale
Antal indlæg: 14972
You forgot the title

21 Februar 2009 17:43

Antal indlæg: 118
I've allready put in the right one. Thanks lilian!!