Ego coram facie hostis triumphavi, vir quem me fore nunquam putavi factus sum, et nunc res appellata amor mea provocatio maxima est! Puto me tantum fortem quantum putavisse non esse.
U vleresua ose u publikua se fundi nga Aneta B. - 3 Shkurt 2011 00:00
"I have triumphed in the face of the adversary,
I became the man I never thought I would be
and now my biggest challenge, is something called love!
I guess I'm not as strong as I thought I was"
Hi Alex! 1. Why not translate "triumphavi" instead of "vici"? I think it would be closer to the original.
2. "vir qui nunquam putavi me fore factus sum"
-->vir/homo quem me fore nunquam putavi factus sum
3. challenge - provocatio
my biggest challenge--> mea provocatio maxima
1. Yep, you're right 2. "Vir quem me fore nunquam putavi factus sum." 3. Latin provocatio is the ancestor of Italian provocazione ( "provocation" ), and this made me think that it was probably wrong.