Wie schade, da wir nur wenig Zeit haben, um zusammen zu sein, aber da kann man nichts machen. Werde mit meiner Cousine ausgehen, morgen werde ich dir sagen, ob ich dich treffen kann. Bussis.
Nakoniec potvrdené alebo vydané iamfromaustria - 5 novembra 2009 19:22
You misunderstood the first sentence - it is not about the past at all!
It says "that's a shame, because we have very little time to be together".
The rest is fine.
Hmm... That's not quite what it says either!
Rather, the text seems to be a reply to someone else who has said something like 'no, today is not possible'. (The exact context is not important.)
This text then is the reply, saying 'ooh, that's a shame, because...' (pois -> because)