Latin "postremo" (por fim) I translated by:τὸ δὲ τέλος (in the end), but it could be translated also by: ὡς ἔσχατος -(literally: as the last one).
Original translation from Septuagint: Book of Job 19:25. οἶδα Î³á½°Ï á½…Ï„Î¹ ἀέναός á¼ÏƒÏ„ιν á½ á¼ÎºÎ»á½»ÎµÎ¹Î½ με μέλλων á¼Ï€á½¶ γῆς.
but it is not literal translation as mine is. Aneta B. -------------------------------------------------- Admin's note : Poll was set by an admin because a lack of expert in the target-language. Evaluation will be done together with experts who know the target-language
Ostatnio zatwierdzony albo edytowany przez Francky5591 - 30 Październik 2009 16:26