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Traduction - Portuguais brésilien-Italien - Amigos em Roma

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Ce texte est disponible dans les langues suivantes: Portuguais brésilienItalien

Catégorie Lettre / Email - Maison / Famille

Amigos em Roma
Proposé par mmagaton
Langue de départ: Portuguais brésilien

Boa viagem, meus amigos!
Espero que possam ter momentos incríveis em Roma!
Tomem bastante vinho também!
Um grande abraço!

Buon viaggio...

Traduit par lilian canale
Langue d'arrivée: Italien

Buon viaggio, amici miei!
Mi auguro che possiate vivere momenti incredibili a Roma!
Bevete anche vino in abbondanza!
Un grande abbraccio!
Dernière édition ou validation par alexfatt - 21 Avril 2011 22:57

Derniers messages


21 Avril 2011 15:18

Nombre de messages: 1538
Could you please build me a bridge, Lilian?

21 Avril 2011 15:51

lilian canale
Nombre de messages: 14972

Have a nice trip, my friends!
I hope you'll have amazing moments in Rome.
Drink a lot of wine!
A big hug.

(As you know, he bridge is a version which sounds natural in English, not the exact words. )

21 Avril 2011 20:02

Nombre de messages: 1538
Thank you.

You know, I asked you to build me a bridge because I realized I had been overrating my Brazilian Portuguese skills. So, before correcting, I thought it was better being completely sure about the meaning of the source text.

- "Mi auguro che possano vivere momenti incredibili a Roma." > "Mi auguro che possiate vivere momenti incredibili a Roma."

- "Bere l'abbondanza di vino!"
Maybe "Bevete anche (=também) vino in abbondanza!"?

21 Avril 2011 22:53

lilian canale
Nombre de messages: 14972