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Traduction - Turc-Anglais - Siparişleri zamanında alamıyoruz. Umuyoruz ki bu...

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Ce texte est disponible dans les langues suivantes: TurcAnglais

Siparişleri zamanında alamıyoruz. Umuyoruz ki bu...
Proposé par hataylisir
Langue de départ: Turc

Siparişleri zamanında alamıyoruz. Umuyoruz ki bu siparişimizi zamanında alırız

We are not receiving the orders on time. We hope to have this order on time.

Traduit par parisp
Langue d'arrivée: Anglais

We are not able to receive the orders on time. We hope we will receive this order on time.
Dernière édition ou validation par IanMegill2 - 20 Octobre 2007 00:25

Derniers messages


19 Octobre 2007 14:49

Nombre de messages: 1671
Does the first sentence mean "We are not receiving the orders on time?"

19 Octobre 2007 15:06

Nombre de messages: 2481
I was about to say the same IanMegill yes it should be "we are not able to receive the orders on time, we hope we will receive this on time"...

19 Octobre 2007 15:09

Nombre de messages: 2118
ı guess 'receive' rather than 'have' is more suitable and meaningful.

19 Octobre 2007 15:13

Nombre de messages: 2118
Smy you are so fast

19 Octobre 2007 15:15

Nombre de messages: 1671
Sorry handyy, that was my editing...

19 Octobre 2007 15:19

Nombre de messages: 2481
this one doesn't belong to me handyy

19 Octobre 2007 15:31

Nombre de messages: 2118
well..then..IanMegill2 you are so fast

IanMegill2 ı know you r the one who edited the text. it's just that ı was about to write an answer to your question saying "yes you r rigth it should be 'receive' ",but till my answer, smy already wrote one. that's the reason of my saying 'smy u r so fast'. ı hope it's clear now

19 Octobre 2007 16:42

Nombre de messages: 1671
Oh I see!