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Prevođenje - Španjolski-Engleski - Su intervención...

Trenutni statusPrevođenje
Ovaj tekst je dostupan u sljedećim jezicima: ŠpanjolskiEngleski

Su intervención...
Poslao Pocho49
Izvorni jezik: Španjolski

Su intervención de estado sobre China en 1949, la invasión e intervención en más gobiernos del mundo, es una manera de incrementar el terrorismo y por consecuente, del miedo que causa enfrentar a tan grande monstruo. La decisión de Bush, de intervenir en Irak, trae como consecuencia un miedo indescriptible por parte de la sociedad, y Estados Unidos tiene el poder de la manipulacion a través de ello.
Primjedbe o prijevodu

State intervention

Preveo lilian canale
Ciljni jezik: Engleski

The state intervention in China in 1949, the invasion and intervention in more governments in the world is a way of increasing terrorism and consequently, the fear that facing such a big monster causes. Bush's decision to intervene in Iraq, results in an indescribable fear to the society, and the United States hold the power of manipulation through it.
Posljednji potvrdio i uredio Francky5591 - 20 studeni 2009 14:20

Najnovije poruke


16 studeni 2009 11:04

Broj poruka: 3706
"Its state intervention"?

16 studeni 2009 11:15

lilian canale
Broj poruka: 14972
Although it may be guessed, we don't know exactly what that "su" refers to, that's why I preferred, due to lack of a prior context, to keep it neutral. Besides, it reads more natural in English.