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Prevođenje - Ruski-Engleski - Милая

Trenutni statusPrevođenje
Ovaj tekst je dostupan u sljedećim jezicima: RuskiTalijanskiEngleski

Kategorija Književnost

Izvorni jezik: Ruski

Милая, родная моя, колыбель и могила моя... Жена моя любимая, жизнь моя, любовь моя... Прости меня. Прости меня и помилуй.


Preveo Alexander Mamonov
Ciljni jezik: Engleski

My dear, my darling, you are my cradle and my grave ... My beloved wife, my life, my love... I am sorry. Forgive me and have mercy on me.
Primjedbe o prijevodu
'my dear' -> or 'sweetheart' or another endearing term.
Posljednji potvrdio i uredio Lein - 8 ožujak 2012 15:28

Najnovije poruke


19 veljača 2012 04:39

Broj poruka: 611
Dear expert,

I think it's important to preserve not only the meaning but the impression this request makes.

It's very beautiful, "warm" and touching in Russian.

So may be I'd translate it like this:

"Sweetheart, my darling, (you are) my cradle and a grave to me... My beloved wife* (...) and have mercy on me."

* mistake in the translation as it's not my wife and my beloved but my beloved wife.