Romanized: San kai utaretara, hotoke da-tte okoru. Baku-hatsu wa geijutsu de aru. Literally the first one is: (If he is) hit three times, even though he's a Buddha, he'll get angry. (BTW, in English you need an "a" here: Hit it three times, and even _a_ buddha gets mad) This "hit" is in the passive, i.e. If _he_ is hit three times, even a Buddha gets angry. If you hit _something else_ (i.e. not _him_) three times and the Buddha gets angry, the Japanese would be ãれを三回打ã£ãŸã‚‰ã€ä»ã§ã‚‚怒る。 Romanized: Sore o san kai uttara, hotoke de mo okoru. (In this case, we don't know what you're hitting, it could be anything but the Buddha himself.)
Τελευταία επικύρωση ή επεξεργασία από Polar Bear - 28 Οκτώβριος 2007 12:22