2.Zeile: "Ich liebe dich mehr als alles," (es steht nicht da: '...andere auf der Welt' 3.Zeile originalgetreuer: "ich hoffe, dass ich für immer bei dir bleibe" 4.Zeile: "da du alles bist, was ich für mich möchte!!"
I also don't know, why you still have to wait so a long time. - But don't worry, my translations also waits always a month or longer. Still if there are only positive votes on it...
abryar, don't wory, all translations will be evaluated but our experts do as much as they can.
Rodrigues, as you might know, all translations are proofread by experts, and this is a unique future for a free site. Our experts iamfromaustria and Rumo do a great job and do as much as they can. Don't worry your translations will be evaluated too.