Mahkeme gidişatı ne durumda? Para alabilecek miyim? Duruşma temyiz edilmişti, son durum nedir? Kardeşime,beni oraya çağıracağınızı söylemişsiniz,neden? Tahminen nekadar para alabiliriz?
How is the lawsuit coming along? Will I be able to get any money? The lawsuit was appealed, what is the latest status? You told my sibling you would ask me [to come] over there. Why? What is the estimated amount of money we can get?
Zuletzt bestätigt oder bearbeitet von lilian canale - 13 Juli 2009 17:36
the only thing that should be edited in your translation is the line "Am I able to get any money?". It should be "Will I be able to get any money?", for in the original text, the future tense is used.