Svi smo senke proÅ¡losti, sutra je juÄe, gde smo danas ja i ti? Dal’ su ’svetli grobovi’? ili su mrtvi već odavno umorni? Svi smo senke proÅ¡losti, sutra je juÄe, gde smo danas ja i ti? Dal’ su ’svetli grobovi’? ...ili su mrtvi umorni?
We're all shadows from the past, tomorrow is yesterday, where are we today, you and me? Are the 'graves shiny'? Or the dead are tired since long ago? We're all shadows from the past, tomorrow is yesterday, where are we today, you and me? Are the 'graves shiny'? ...Or the dead are tired?
Poznámky k prekladu
shiny - bright
Nakoniec potvrdené alebo vydané Tantine - 6 februára 2009 23:19
I wouldn't put "the shadows", since here I don't think they refer to some particular shadows, "where am I an you" is just not right: concordance is not right, maybe you should say "where are we today, you and me", and "graves shining" means that the graves are producing some kind of light, it indicates some kind of action, whereas "svetli" in Serbian is an adjective describing the graves
Could you be more explicit? Otherwise your comments are of no use to me
Hi maki_sindja
I think khalo has a point with the "where are we..." bit. Maybe we should edit in that direction. For the "shining" bit, would it not be possible to replace it with "shiny" which is an adjective, hence describing the state of the graves? And remove the "the" before shadows