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Traducció - Turc-Romaní - güzel bebeÄŸim

Estat actualTraducció
Aquest text està disponible en els següents idiomes: Turc

Categoria Expressió - Vida quotidiana

La petició d'aquesta traducció és "només el significat"
güzel bebeğim
Enviat per korsan06
Idioma orígen: Turc

güzel bebeğim

Atenció, aquesta traducció encara no ha estat avaluada per un expert, pot estar malament.
şukar çavoro

Traduït per katranjyly
Idioma destí: Romaní

miro şukar çavoro
Notes sobre la traducció
My translation is into Russian Gipsy dialect and may differ from "Turkish gipsy language".
In Turkish "güzel bebeğim" is ok for both boys and girls; but "miro şukar çavoro" actually means "my beautiful boy/son"; if you mean a girl say "miri şukar çayori". Then, both "çavo/çavoro" and "çay/çayori" are for gipsy children; non-gipsy boy is "rakloro" and girl "raklori". (the words "man/woman" in Gipsy language are for Gipsies only, for people from other nations they use the words "foreigner/stranger man/woman).
Then don't forget in Turkish you can use "güzel bebeğim" for your loved one/girlfriend as well as for a doll:-) no shades of meaning like this in my translation. It only means child, gipsy boy as I translated it.
22 Maig 2008 00:03