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Traducció - Portuguès brasiler-Anglès - email received

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email received
Enviat per DonoRomantico
Idioma orígen: Portuguès brasiler

vamos aguardar ansiosos pra saber quando será e now de uma dica no que ele esta curtindo agora. Tá Bom?

email recieved

Traduït per Borges
Idioma destí: Anglès

Let's look forward to knowing when it's going to be and "now" give me a tip about what he likes now. All right?
Notes sobre la traducció
"what he likes now" meaning "what kind of things he likes to do at the moment". The word "curtindo" is slang and usualy means the kind of music one likes but can be any other "entertainment".

The first word "now" is in English - the second one is in Portuguese.
Darrera validació o edició per kafetzou - 26 Juny 2007 04:59

Darrer missatge


23 Juny 2007 21:16

Mats Fondelius
Nombre de missatges: 153
I would say that the "meaning" of the translation is OK but that the English sentence as a whole sounds very awkward, i.e. using "now" twice.

23 Juny 2007 23:50

Nombre de missatges: 2247
I can imagine something like this in portuguese brazilian because DonoRomantico don't have the diacritics:
vamos aguardar ansiosos pra saber quando será e now. dê uma dica no que ele esta curtindo agora. Tá Bom?

I changed the obvious things inside the portuguese translation.

E NOW This is strange inside the phrase... Now doesn't mean nothing in portuguese. Anyone can give me a meaning to that?