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Traducción - Danés-Inglés - venner er den familie du selv vælger

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Este texto está disponible en los siguientes idiomas: DanésInglés

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venner er den familie du selv vælger
Propuesto por alimaj
Idioma de origen: Danés

venner er den familie du selv vælger

Friends are the family you choose for yourself.

Traducido por lilian canale
Idioma de destino: Inglés

Friends are the family you choose for yourself.
Última validación o corrección por lilian canale - 29 Mayo 2009 13:36

Último mensaje


27 Mayo 2009 09:42

Cantidad de envíos: 8113
Friends are the family you choose for yourself.

27 Mayo 2009 15:03

lilian canale
Cantidad de envíos: 14972
Hi Pia, do you think that "for yourself" is really necessary?

CC: pias Anita_Luciano

27 Mayo 2009 16:11

Cantidad de envíos: 1670
well, in Portuguese it would be "amigos são a família que você mesmo escolhe" but I, personally, think it works fine in English without the "for yourself".

27 Mayo 2009 16:13

Cantidad de envíos: 8113
That's the way I interpret it Lilian, but since I'm not native ...I think you do right to ask Anita

27 Mayo 2009 16:16

Cantidad de envíos: 1670
if you were to put the "selv" part in the text, I think it should go:

"Friends are the family you yourself choose"

27 Mayo 2009 16:54

lilian canale
Cantidad de envíos: 14972
Yes, but that structure doesn't sound natural in English with the verb "choose"

27 Mayo 2009 17:35

Cantidad de envíos: 8113
I was thinking about this quotation. But I'm might wrong and as Anita said, it's fine. You have many positive votes here.

27 Mayo 2009 17:47

Cantidad de envíos: 1670
based on the link Pia sent, I tend to agree with her (sorry for being so irresolute... what can I say, I guess I'm just open to solid arguments )

27 Mayo 2009 17:51

lilian canale
Cantidad de envíos: 14972
I think it's quite different saying:
"...que você mesmo escolhe" (you, yourself, choose) and "...que você escolhe para si (você mesmo)" (you choose for yourself)

What do you think conveys the original meaning better?

29 Mayo 2009 10:55

lilian canale
Cantidad de envíos: 14972

29 Mayo 2009 13:14

Cantidad de envíos: 1670
I still believe the version "Friends are the family you choose for yourself" conveys the meaning best (I have also asked one of my private life English-Danish experts and she agrees with this version)

29 Mayo 2009 13:35

lilian canale
Cantidad de envíos: 14972
OK, I'll edit, then.
Thanks girls