oi, tre stkker, i hva da??privatist??hvordan går det med jobben i bhg.? alt bra her, jobber og stresser vettu;) kjetil har vel begynt med sesongen igjen?
Oh, three of them, in what then?? privatist?? How is it going with your works in bhg.? Everything is fine here, working and rushing you know;) Kjetil has begun with the season again, hasn't he?
dramati에 의해서 마지막으로 검증 또는 수정되었습니다 - 2007년 12월 6일 13:45
A quite good translation but with some adjustments needed to make it into American English and also to get the "meaning" correct:
1. "Oh, three of them, in what??"
2. "As a private??"
3. "How is it going with the jobs in bhg.?"
4. "Kjetil has started the season again, right?"
Mats "figge2001"