The title doesn't agree with the body of the translation. Is this deliberate? Also," crazy that you are" doesn't make it in English. You could say "crazy like you are" Or "you're crazy" or even "crazy like you". Please look it over and work something out.
Well, indeed, I've provided different versions for the title and the main body of the text above, as they're both fine.
I've also edited that last "doubtful" syntagm.
My opinion is that the translation's meaning is ok, but I give you my version too, just to see it:
pfoai is an interjection which expresses surprise,something "unbelievable",it's just like "wow";
(dar)nebuni mai sunteţi "(but) you're so crazy" or "you really are crazy/mad/bad" ; (at plural)
cei 2 pufuletzi = "the two prankish/funny/droll/scamps...; I don't know somehing like that. I believe that is about two "very" playful children .
In Romanian, we understand by "pufuleţi" a kind of children food: pufuleţi.