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翻译 - 罗马尼亚语-英语 - pfoai...nebuni mai sunteti...cei 2 pufuletzi当前状态 翻译
 本翻译"仅需意译"。 | pfoai...nebuni mai sunteti...cei 2 pufuletzi | | 源语言: 罗马尼亚语
pfoai...nebuni mai sunteti...cei 2 pufuletzi |
| Wow, you must be so crazy... the two scapegraces! | | 目的语言: 英语
Wow, you must be so crazy... the two friskies! | | pufuletzi = "pufuleţi", desemnează aici o formă familială de alint;
Cred că se poate înlocui cu "ştrengari", "răsfăţaţi", "năzdrăvani", etc. :) |
最近发帖 | | | | | 2008年 一月 2日 16:25 | | | Hi,
The title doesn't agree with the body of the translation. Is this deliberate? Also," crazy that you are" doesn't make it in English. You could say "crazy like you are" Or "you're crazy" or even "crazy like you". Please look it over and work something out. | | | 2008年 一月 2日 16:43 | | | Hy, Dave!
Well, indeed, I've provided different versions for the title and the main body of the text above, as they're both fine.
I've also edited that last "doubtful" syntagm.  | | | 2008年 一月 2日 17:38 | | | Ok, we'll take a shot at it. I am still not happy with the English as I think you can do better, but let's put it to a vote anyway.
David | | | 2008年 一月 2日 17:39 | | | The translation still doesn't "feel" right in English. | | | 2008年 一月 2日 18:29 | | | Ohhh....you are so crazy..the two roguish. | | | 2008年 一月 3日 07:31 | | | My opinion is that the translation's meaning is ok, but I give you my version too, just to see it:
pfoai is an interjection which expresses surprise,something "unbelievable",it's just like "wow";
(dar)nebuni mai sunteţi "(but) you're so crazy" or "you really are crazy/mad/bad" ; (at plural)
cei 2 pufuletzi = "the two prankish/funny/droll/scamps...; I don't know somehing like that. I believe that is about two "very" playful children .
In Romanian, we understand by "pufuleţi" a kind of children food: pufuleţi.
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