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Translation - Italian-English - Non sono stati riscontrati tagli sia nella...

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: ItalianEnglish

Category Sentence - Health / Medecine

Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Non sono stati riscontrati tagli sia nella...
Submitted by sloew00
Source language: Italian

Non sono stati riscontrati tagli sia nella polvere a base di XXX che in quella a base di YYY.
Remarks about the translation
Taken from a medical report, XXX and YYY are names of chemicals.
What is the meaning of "tagli" in this context?


Translated by Efylove
Target language: English

Cuts weren't found either in the dust containing XXX or in the dust containing YYY.
Remarks about the translation
I think that here "to cut" means "to mix a substance with another substance". The fact that there aren't "cuts" in these chemicals means that they have not been mixed with anything else. In Italian we use this word applied to drugs (you can read something here:
Validated by Lein - 20 July 2010 11:27

Last messages


19 July 2010 14:30

Number of messages: 3389
Would 'traces' cover the meaning here you reckon?

19 July 2010 14:40

Number of messages: 8
I think that the explanation about "Cutting agent" is the one I was looking for. I It is not exactly 'traces' but this explantion helped me. I don't need any more. Thanks!