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Translation - English-French - The ancient rose remains by its name, naked names are all that we have.

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Category Literature

The ancient rose remains by its name, naked names are all that we have.
Submitted by Titi67
Source language: English Translated by Xini

The ancient rose remains by its name, naked names are all that we have.
Remarks about the translation
It's the last line from "Il nome della rosa" by Umberto Eco.

Le nom de la rose

Translated by Francky5591
Target language: French

Sous son nom la rose persiste en son essence,
[mais] nous ne tenons que les noms en leur nudité
Remarks about the translation
J'ai rouvé cette traduction sur le net, c'est celle qui me convient le mieux...
Validated by Francky5591 - 15 March 2007 20:26