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Oversættelse - Tyrkisk-Engelsk - GerçekleÅŸmiÅŸ yayın akışını hazırlamak ve ilgili...

Aktuel statusOversættelse
Denne tekst er tilgængelig på følgende sprog: TyrkiskEngelsk

Kategori Udtryk - Erhverv / Jobs

Gerçekleşmiş yayın akışını hazırlamak ve ilgili...
Tilmeldt af didem
Sprog, der skal oversættes fra: Tyrkisk

Gerçekleşmiş yayın akışını hazırlamak ve ilgili birimlere iletmek.
Program Planlama’dan gelen prototip doğrultusunda yayın akışını hazırlamak, reklam ve tanıtımları yerleştirerek akışı yayın sistemine girmek.

Preparing the flow of completed publications

Oversat af kafetzou
Sproget, der skal oversættes til: Engelsk

Preparing the flow of completed publications and running the departments concerned with this.
Preparing the flow of publications in the direction of the prototype coming from Program Planning, by putting advertising and presentation in place, getting the flow into the publication system.
Bemærkninger til oversættelsen
I think it should be "girdirmek", but I'm not sure.

This could be about broadcasts and not publications - the Turkish word "yayin" means both.
Senest valideret eller redigeret af kafetzou - 6 April 2007 15:25

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6 April 2007 14:48

Antal indlæg: 655
I think the word "yayın" here is not something printed . So if it is something related to tv or radio (I believe it is) here it must be broadcast but not publication.

6 April 2007 15:28

Antal indlæg: 7963
Hmm - I posted a response to you here, but it disappeared. I said, "Oh wow! There's no way to know which is meant here, so I'll put a note under the translation. Thanks!"