Oversættelse - Rumænsk-Italiensk - am revenitAktuel status Oversættelse
Denne tekst er tilgængelig på følgende sprog:  
 For denne oversættelse bedes om "kun betydning". | | | Sprog, der skal oversættes fra: Rumænsk
am revenit |
| | OversættelseItaliensk Oversat af Freya | Sproget, der skal oversættes til: Italiensk
Sono ritornato. | Bemærkninger til oversættelsen | o "sono ritornata" N.B. In Romanian for this kind of sentences it is necessary to write the pronoun in front of the verb because it could be translated in more ways: e.g. Romanian grammar says so : "Eu AM REVENIT" (I came back=Io sono ritornato/ritornata; "Noi AM REVENIT" (We came back- " Noi siamo ritornati/ritornate", so that's why it's better to put a pronoun before the verb at least when you write a sentence because you can't see the number or the gender of the person/s who are coming back. |
Senest valideret eller redigeret af Xini - 8 Oktober 2007 10:07
Sidste indlæg | | | | | 4 Oktober 2007 06:13 | | | Sorry I couldn't write the comment in Italian.I hope the person who needs the translation will understand something.It is better to write something correct in another language than something with many mistakes which nobody could really understand.(I'm exagerating I guess  )
| | | 4 Oktober 2007 10:51 | | | | | | 4 Oktober 2007 13:18 | | | Con piacere  | | | 4 Oktober 2007 21:59 | |  XiniAntal indlæg: 1655 | Ciao Freya
we don't say "rivenire"
you can say tornare or ritornare
Salut | | | 7 Oktober 2007 13:04 | | | Grazie mille  |