Zu schlecht, es macht dich nur hässlicher mit mir!
Commentaires pour la traduction
Edits done on notification from gamine /pias 081112. Original: "Too bad es nur macht tuh hässlich mit mir!" Edit according to Salvo's notification under the last translation request <edit>"Zu schlecht, es nur macht dich hässlich mit mir!" with "Zu schlecht, es macht dich nur hässlicher mit mir!" </edit> (11/15/francky]
There is a lot of expressions in portuguese to say the same thing. At my point of view, when I read it - it depends also wich context is the frase, don't you agree? - seemed the best way to say that.
Anyway, "too bad" or 'muito ruim' or 'muito mal' and if you want to make an "enfasis" could be used too (here "ruim" and "mal" could have the same function).
Also your suggestion is a good one - sometimes in the conversation we say "muito mal" as "que pena ..."
I hope my explanation can help you to understand my sugestion of this translation ...