El motor de la retroexcavadora tiene un sonido metálico y en el tubo de escape se ve salir humo negro.Como observo que ha perdido potencia,voy a revisar el turbo.
The engine of the retro-excavator makes a metallic sound and black smoke is seen coming out from the exhaust pipe. Since I realize that it has lost some power, I'm going to check the turbo.
Francky5591에 의해서 마지막으로 검증 또는 수정되었습니다 - 2008년 8월 12일 10:08
We generally use "notice" when we mean that we perceive something by the eyes. We use "realize" when we become aware of something, but not necessarily "see" it.
In this case the black smoke could have been noticed, but the loss of power is "realized".