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翻译 - 英语-希伯来语 - 1: are we birds 2: dirty rat. the people from arkas didn't call

本文可用以下语言: 土耳其语英语希伯来语

讨论区 聊天室

1: are we birds 2: dirty rat. the people from arkas didn't call
提交 sharonyossi
源语言: 英语 翻译 kafetzou

are we birds.
dirty rat. the people from arkas still haven't called me.
I'm not going to make borek pie for you (?) are your return plans certain?
I can't understand the Hebrew commentary under the translation - it might have helped, but I think I can pretty much guarantee the translation. The word "pis herif" is an expression of anger at a guy - I translated it as "dirty rat". "Arkas" is the name of a company. I didn't translate "borek" - it's a kind of pie made of filo dough that can have various things inside it.

האם אנחנו ציפורים. ..

翻译 igor21
目的语言: 希伯来语

האם אנחנו ציפורים.
עכבר מלוכלך. האנשים מארקאס עדיין לא התקשרו אליי.
אני לא הולך להכין לך פשטידת בורק (?)
האם החזרה שלך מתוכננת?
ittaihen认可或编辑 - 2007年 六月 27日 13:03