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Original text - Latin - Videre taedas patriae est nautis cura

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Category Sentence

Videre taedas patriae est nautis cura
Text to be translated
Submitted by GabrielleUerj
Source language: Latin

Videre taedas patriae est nautis cura
Remarks about the translation
Bridge by Aneta B. "To see torches of homeland is a sailors' concern".
Edited by Aneta B. - 9 July 2011 15:42

Last messages


9 July 2011 12:47

Number of messages: 1538
Hi Aneta,
Shouldn't it be sailors' concern instead of a sailor's concern?

CC: Aneta B.

9 July 2011 15:42

Aneta B.
Number of messages: 4487
Oh, you're right. Of course, it was supposed to be plural. Thank you!

9 July 2011 15:49

Number of messages: 1538
Don't mention it