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Traducerea - Spaniolă-Engleză - Se trató de una música eminentemente popular,...

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Acest text vă stă la dispoziţie în următoarele limbi: SpaniolăEngleză

Această solicitare de traducere se referă numai la semnificaţie
Se trató de una música eminentemente popular,...
Înscris de yii
Limba sursă: Spaniolă

Se trató de una música eminentemente popular, rechazada y prohibida por las clases altas , por lo que se desarrolló en los barrios pobres de los suburbios , los puertos, los prostíbulos, los bodegones y las cárceles, donde confluían los inmigrantes

It was a mainly popular kind of music

Tradus de goncin
Limba ţintă: Engleză

It was a mainly popular kind of music, rejected and forbidden by upper classes, and that's why it spread in the poor outskirts, ports, whorehouses, taverns and jails, where immigrants used to converge.
Validat sau editat ultima dată de către lilian canale - 15 Aprilie 2008 07:15

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15 Aprilie 2008 02:06

Numărul mesajelor scrise: 1
It was a mainly popular kind of music, rejected and forbidden by upper classes, and that's why it spread in the suburbs, ports, whorehouses, taverns and jails, where immigrants used to converge.

15 Aprilie 2008 03:40

lilian canale
Numărul mesajelor scrise: 14972

"suburb" is a false cognate for the Spanish word "suburbio".

They have different meanings.

(English) suburb = an outlying residential district of a city (not a poor one).
(Spanish) suburbio = village or group of houses near a big city, where the poor class lives.

poor outskirts = the outer parts of a town or city where the poor live.