l'indirizzo per l'invio dell'acconto è esatto, l'appartamento Biagio è posto al primo piano, per accedere c'e una comoda scala ,ed è a servizio esclusivo degli ospiti dell'appartamento biagio. in caso di rinuncia dovete comunicarmelo tre mesi prima
the address for sending the advance payment is correct, the Biagio apartment is located on the second floor*, for getting to it there is a comfortable stairway, it is for exclusive use of the Biagio apartment's guests. in case of cancellation you must let me know three months in advance
Observaţii despre traducere
*(British) first floor
Validat sau editat ultima dată de către IanMegill2 - 19 Septembrie 2007 14:20
Here's the original English before I corrected it:
The adress for sending of the advanced payment is correct,
the apartment Biagio is located at the second floor*,
for acessing it there is a comfortable stairway,
it is for exclusive use of the apartment Biagio's guests.
In case of renunciation you must communicate me three months before.
*(British) first floor