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Traduction - Turc-Anglais - SÄ°GARA

Etat courantTraduction
Ce texte est disponible dans les langues suivantes: TurcAnglais

Catégorie Vie quotidienne - Vie quotidienne

Proposé par FtmSymB
Langue de départ: Turc

intihar sadece bilekleri kesmekle, ilaç içmekle, yüksek bir yerden atlamakla mı olur? Yani bir anda yapılıp, sonucu hemen canımızla ödemekle mi olur? Bence hayır. Uzun süre kendini zehirleyenlerde vardır. Sonuç direk bir ölüm olmaz. Yavaş yavaş can çekişerek olur. Bu ne mi? Sigara.


Traduit par kfeto
Langue d'arrivée: Anglais

Is suicide achieved only by slitting one's wrists, overdosing on medication or jumping from a high building? Its meaning is an instant action which has to produce an immediate result: the loss of one's life. I don't think so. There are also those who poison themselves over a longer period of time. The result is not immediate death but a slow and agonizing one. Its name? Cigarette.
Commentaires pour la traduction
took some liberties, true in meaning though.
i'd change the last word into:tobacco
Dernière édition ou validation par lilian canale - 15 Avril 2008 07:18

Derniers messages


14 Avril 2008 15:41

lilian canale
Nombre de messages: 14972
Hi kfeto,

" cutting one's wrists" would sound better.

The rest sounds fine to me.

15 Avril 2008 02:35

Nombre de messages: 953
hi lilian

slitting is what i meant/should have used.
if you feel cutting is better please feel free to edit

15 Avril 2008 03:16

lilian canale
Nombre de messages: 14972
"slitting" would be fine too.

3 Mai 2008 17:29

Nombre de messages: 953
supposed to be: "Meaning it is a"