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Traduction - Croate-Anglais - poslije tebe mi ljubav dodje kao sirotinjama ...

Etat courantTraduction
Ce texte est disponible dans les langues suivantes: CroateAnglais

Catégorie Discussion - Amour / Amitié

Cette demande de traduction ne concerne que la signification.
poslije tebe mi ljubav dodje kao sirotinjama ...
Proposé par yavuklumahmut
Langue de départ: Croate

poslije tebe mi ljubav dodje kao sirotinjama.

Al' nema dana koliko je na srcu rana

after you love comes as charity ...

Traduit par Comv
Langue d'arrivée: Anglais

after you love comes as charity

But there aren't as many days as there are wounds on my heart
Dernière édition ou validation par lilian canale - 10 Avril 2009 16:25

Derniers messages


8 Avril 2009 00:43

lilian canale
Nombre de messages: 14972
Hi Comv,

This beginning sounds really weird, perhaps a comma after "after you" would make it clearer.
What sounds really awkward is that "love comes as poverty". Could you explain that in different words, please?

8 Avril 2009 11:45

Nombre de messages: 8
But that is the meaning of the word 'sirotinja'. It can be as poornes or something like that but i think that this sounds better.

8 Avril 2009 15:00

Nombre de messages: 1206
Lili, Comv,

"kao sirotinjama"
"kao milostinja"

Look here!

8 Avril 2009 15:08

lilian canale
Nombre de messages: 14972
Apparently those are disconnected lines That's why it doesn't make sense.

It should have been required as:

"poslije tebe mi ljubav dodje kao sirotinjama"

"Al' nema dana koliko je na srcu rana"

9 Avril 2009 19:48

Nombre de messages: 1206
"after you love seems to me like alms"

"but there are not so many days as wounds on my heart"