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11Traduction - Italien-Anglais - Comunque non c'è niente da scusare, cara...

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Ce texte est disponible dans les langues suivantes: AlbanaisItalienAnglais

Catégorie Amour / Amitié

Cette demande de traduction ne concerne que la signification.
Comunque non c'è niente da scusare, cara...
Proposé par aleonly
Langue de départ: Italien Traduit par PinkoPallinoJOE

Comunque non c'è niente da scusare, mia cara!

In any event...

Traduit par turkishmiss
Langue d'arrivée: Anglais

In any event there is nothing to excuse, my darling!
Dernière édition ou validation par Una Smith - 3 Juin 2007 17:24

Derniers messages


3 Juin 2007 17:21

Nombre de messages: 2747
The Italian version comes across as a husband telling his wife that there was no reason to excuse herself.

The English version comes across as a husband telling his wife there is not point in trying to excuse herself.

In the event that the "feeling" in Italian is closer to the mark:

Be careful about "in any event" - "in any case" is probably more fitting in this context.

On the word "darling" - in English this is a diminutive of dear, and in the Italian version, I did not notice that a diminutive was used.
