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Traduzione - Polacco-Inglese - Z znów przychodzi mroczna noc, a z nią nachodzi...

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Questo testo è disponibile nelle seguenti lingue: PolaccoFranceseInglese

Categoria Lettera / Email

Questa richiesta di traduzione è "Solo significato".
Z znów przychodzi mroczna noc, a z nią nachodzi...
Aggiunto da valex1
Lingua originale: Polacco

Z znów przychodzi mroczna noc, a z nią nachodzi mnie rozmyślań moc. O tym jak czas razem spędziliśmy i ile przy tym gawędziliśmy. Chwilami malował się smutek, rozterka i gdy teraz spowija mnie ciepła kołderka, myślę co mogłoby mi się śnić.

The dark night is approaching

Tradotto da lardos
Lingua di destinazione: Inglese

The dark night is approaching me
And with it, the thinking sprees.
About the time we spent together
and all the things we chatted.
Sometimes sadness and confusion occur
and now under my warm duvet
I think this could be my dream.
Note sulla traduzione
the original text contains some clumsy rhymes, and so does the translation - but the rhymes are even clumsier ;)

The very last word "cić" might be a new or a very old word or a typo. I am a native Polish speaker and I am not familar with this word.

Within the context the last line might have meant the author wondered what it might had been between him/her and the other person.
Ultima convalida o modifica di lilian canale - 6 Maggio 2009 14:51

Ultimi messaggi


29 Aprile 2009 10:02

Numero di messaggi: 20
the last word "śnić się" mean "dream", so last phrase might be "I wonder what I'll dream".

29 Aprile 2009 14:51

Numero di messaggi: 4
Absolutely, you are right, and this version is closer to the original (which was not clear ot me "cić" versus "snić"

6 Maggio 2009 12:16

Numero di messaggi: 279

Meaning lost.. revient, m'envahit avec force, la façon and rêve not translated correctly or at all.

6 Maggio 2009 13:25

Numero di messaggi: 4611
Agree with Itsatrap.