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Prevođenje - Francuski-Engleski - Cueille ta vie

Trenutni statusPrevođenje
Ovaj tekst je dostupan u sljedećim jezicima: FrancuskiEngleskiŠpanjolski

Kategorija Pjesma

Cueille ta vie
Poslao victor495
Izvorni jezik: Francuski

Cueille ta vie, avant qu’elle soit emportée par le vent.
Cueille ta vie, avant qu’elle soit abîmée par le temps.
Cueille ta vie, tiens la fort et ne l’enferme pas dans leur rang,
Ne la laisse pas s’envoler loin des rêves, cueille la dès maintenant.
Primjedbe o prijevodu
<edit> "là" with "la"</edit>(05/20/francky)

Pick up your life

Preveo Minny
Ciljni jezik: Engleski

Hold your life, before it is blown away by the wind.
Hold your life, before it is damaged with time.
Hold your life, hold it strongly and do not lock it up in their rank.
Do not let it fly far way from your dreams, hold your life from now on.
Posljednji potvrdio i uredio lilian canale - 24 svibanj 2009 18:52

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24 svibanj 2009 13:18

lilian canale
Broj poruka: 14972
Hi Minny,
"Pick your life" (despite being literal) gives the idea of life brought into pieces and which has to be gathered.

I think the meaning of that "Cueille ta vie" would be better rendered as: "Hold your life (tight)". It's like "command your life" or "be the boss of your life".

What do you think?

24 svibanj 2009 13:34

Broj poruka: 271
"Hold your life" yes, endeed!
Thank you so much, dear Lilian Canale,

24 svibanj 2009 13:46

lilian canale
Broj poruka: 14972
So, after you edit that we can set a poll