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Translation - Portuguese brazilian-Latin - a caridade deve ser anônima do contrario é vaidade

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: Portuguese brazilianLatin

Category Sentence - Education

a caridade deve ser anônima do contrario é vaidade
Submitted by Gleidsonmagno
Source language: Portuguese brazilian

a caridade deve ser anônima do contrario é vaidade

Caritas nominatim appellari non debet...

Translated by alexfatt
Target language: Latin

Caritas nominatim appellari non debet, alioqui ea vanitas appellatur.
Remarks about the translation
alioqui/aliter = otherwise <Aneta B>
Validated by Aneta B. - 6 June 2012 10:30

Last messages


5 June 2012 18:41

Aneta B.
Number of messages: 4487
Hi Alex,

I think we can improve the translation a bit:

Caritas sine nomine esse debet;
--> Caritas NOMINATIM APPELLARI NON debet, non, ea vanitas appellatur.
--> ALIOQUI / ALITER ea vanitas appellatur.

What do you think?

5 June 2012 19:36

Number of messages: 1538
Wow, this is advanced Latin

Agree with all, I'll edit my translation.

5 June 2012 19:37

Number of messages: 1538
Ah, I can't. Could you, please?

6 June 2012 10:31

Aneta B.
Number of messages: 4487